Teacher and Colleague Comments

“Stephanie Noble is an experienced Buddhist teacher with a deep practice and a very kind heart. My meditation group is fortunate to receive the benefits of her presence and teaching.”
Rick Hanson, PhD., psychologist, meditation teacher and author of Buddha’s Brain, Hardwiring Happiness, and other books

“Stephanie has been a student since 1994, attending retreats and classes taught by Spirit Rock teachers. I support her enthusiastic sharing of the dharma in her classes and her writing.” – Anna Douglas, PhD. founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Student and Blog Follower Comments

“I have been studying with Stephanie for a good many years and can wholeheartedly say she is a Master Teacher. She has the ability that the best teachers have of making complicated material clear and simple. She takes ancient material and makes it relevant to today, teachings that were originally intended for young men and makes them perfectly appropriate and useful for middle aged women. She intersperses serious didactic material with humor and personal stories and examples.
“My learning experience with Stephanie has always been a class followed by, several days later, a written version of what she taught in the class offered on her blog. Her writing is clear, to the point, well organized. As a practicing poet she has a wonderful ease and musical flow with words. Stephanie is a wonderful source of learning in my life!” – Anne C., retired editor

“Stephanie Noble is an impressive teacher of Buddhist thought and philosophy. In the short period of time I have been attending her weekly meditation group in San Rafael, Ca, I have increased my understanding of Buddhist principles of daily living. With this increased understanding I feel I make better choices in how I assess situations, how I deal with others, but most especially how I think about my own life. Her thinking and communicating is not only clear, but her delivery is spiced with humor, an important ingredient in learning.” – Jane W., RN, psychiatry

“I have been studying with Stephanie for almost two years. From the very beginning I was most impressed with her teaching as well as her loving presence. I am new to the world of Buddhism and it can be a complicated one. She is very clear in her explanations, open to all questions and encouraging to all her students. I always look forward to our time together.” – Linda S.

“Stephanie Noble is an extremely generous teacher who uses her many creative energies to make the teachings of the Buddha understandable and relevant to our daily lives. Through her profound scholarship and willingness to share her own self-explorations, Stephanie has brought to life key facets of the Buddha’s teaching, and in the process, transformed and enriched the way we interact with each other as well as our relationship to the planet. It’s a privilege to study with her.” – Paula W., Educational Therapist

Stef Noble has the ability to help me cut through and turn off the barrage of noisy voices in my head. She is a calming teacher of meditation and of Buddhist principles. Stef has a profound and thorough overview of her subject, and she has the great ability to share her knowledge and wisdom with her students. In my opinion it would be hard to find a more concise or user-friendly writer on this subject. – Judy V.

“Stephanie Noble is a gifted teacher of Buddhism. Her knowledge makes each class and
practice a rich experience. Her lessons are clear, thoughtful and often presented
with humor.
“I was drawn to Buddhism after a devastating personal loss. By sheer luck I was
introduced to Stephanie and a wonderful journey began.
“Anyone who has the good fortune to be in a class taught by Stephanie will feel
her gentle spirit, her compassion, the depth of her practice as they learn a great
deal that will guide them as they go deeper in their practice.
“I am so grateful to have her in my life.” – Stephanie L., interior designer

“Stephanie Noble knows her stuff. but that is the least of it. As my meditation teacher she can walk down any internal path with warmth, openness, generosity of spirit and the ability to impart a more spacious way to view an issue. I love her weekly class, the safety that she creates there, the learning she imparts with patience and knowingness, the impish humor that creeps in from the sidelines. She writes a beautiful, clear, and helpful blog on buddhism, shares well, knows a lot, understands boundaries, gives it all. – Caroline L., LCSW

The group is a wonderful oasis in my life. I am encouraged to continue my practice in the intervening days. When there, I quickly move into a meditative openness and quiet state. And after our time together, I find that I reflect on Stephanie’s teachings all week, continuing an inner dialogue. I always look forward to our next meeting.
Stephanie is a natural and compassionate teacher. She infuses her talks with visual images and humor that allows me to more easily grasp new concepts. She encourages each of us to contribute to and take part in the discussion portion of lessons and so we learn from the perspectives of others. – Leslie J., retired RN and Hospice administrator

“Stephanie Noble has become a valued presence in my life. Recently in transition, I found myself reaching out to Stef for support and guidance via email when my schedule and budget didn’t allow me to be in Marin as much as I’d like. She has opened her heart to me, shared supportive insights, and is always a great sounding board and source of wisdom. She’s also a wonderful writer and communicator, whose compassion for other beings shines in her words, whether on the page or in person.”
Molly McC., world traveler, blogger

A sampling of notes to Stephanie from blog followers:

“Stephanie, Thank you so much for that mini course in meditation and Buddhism. It was very profound. I am very enthusiastic to incorporate this meditation in my daily life. You are a very good teacher. I love the ideas you present about wise talk. What a good practice for me to think about listening and being more silent. You have given me a lot to think about and work on and practice. I am very grateful.” – Judith, (San Miguel de Allende, Mexico)

“Dear Stephanie,
“I’m looking forward to and enjoy each new posting on your blog.
“Because I do not belong to a meditation group myself, reading your entry is the time I reserve for total immersion in the subject. I love the way you combine practical examples with theory and advance teachings. While out on my nature walks, I often think of you and I consciously shift into a mindfulness mode, trying to fully experience the sights and sounds surrounding me, instead of thinking of the chores that are waiting at home. You are a part of my life many times during the week and I would love to know of other women learning to be more mindful from a book by you.” — Marita K., Ph. D., Retired University Chemistry Professor

“Stephanie Noble is a very caring and experienced meditation teacher, and it shows in her writing: She is able to anticipate my own questions about meditation, and answer them very clearly. Her specific examples, drawn from her own life, are very helpful in bringing the vague aspects of practice into focus for me. Her humor, wisdom and generosity shine in her writing.
“I have found some meditation books to be way too dry and “in your head” for me,
so I really look forward to reading her book! Stephanie Noble is a treasure!” – Anna M., Actress, acting coach and writer

“Stephanie, I love your dharma posts on your blog. Always so well explained, wise and well written. Your words about gratitude supported me tremendously during a challenging time. I read them over and over again, and they inspired me to practice gratitude and Metta to everyone I saw in the hospital. What a blessing the practice is, and how wonderful to have your support and reminders about these invaluable practices. I am always touched by your words.Thank you!” – Patti B., retired literary agent and advanced student of the dharma

“Stephanie’s matter-of-factness, clarity, compassion, common sense and humor are empowering yet true to the tradition/dharma. Her anecdotes and analogies are helpful and healing. Holding Life in an Open Embrace is a wonderful life-enhancing, life-saving tool in the never-ending practice of mindfulness.”
Debra T., author.